PANDORA SIMS KNOWLEDGE BASE: MARIJUANA Sims can grow and smoke real marijuana 1st off you need to find the garden plot inside build mode, garden centre. It will look the same as the ones from seasons except it will have an * in the top left hand corner. Once you've found it place as many plots as you want. Unlike the seasons ones where you can click and drag to place multiple plots unfortunately you cannot do this with the marijuana. You will need to place each plot manually and to delete them the only way to get rid of them is to use the sledgehammer tool don't ask me why. Once you have the plots down simply click on them and choose plant marijuana (or fertilise 1st) this is the only thing you can plant in these plots unlike the seasons ones. Once your sims have planted them the rest is up to you to take care and water the plants. Do a good job and you can sell the buds for up to $170! To smoke them you 1st need to click on the plant and choose harvest. Once harvested they will be in your sims inventory be warned though once you harvest them you CANNOT sell them! To smoke them grab 1 from your sims inventory and place it somewhere. Than direct a sim to click on it and choose smoke joint. Your sim will than (if available) find a seat to sit down and smoke. While sims are smoking it they will laugh and giggle (getting high) and their fun will increase. But be warned their hunger will also drop (their getting the munchies!) Don't attempt to smoke the joints if your sims hunger is too low because it could be fatal! That's all there is to it. Enjoy!